Copyright 1990 et seq, Donald Rowe
By grievous error
in the last Blog I somehow did not mention Ross Gordon Gerhart III of Ambler,
PA. He is the preeminent researcher and chronicler of all things Gerhart and Gerhard.
He is the coordinator of the annual Johann Peter and Elisabeth Schmidt Gerhart
Family reunion, and author of “The Johann Peter and Elisabeth (Schmidt) GERHART
FAMILY of Earlington, Franconia Township , Montgomery County . The Two Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary of the Gerhart Family
in America , 1739 27 August 1989 ,” published by Gateway Press, Baltimore , MD. This is a limited edition, 500 copies
only book registered with the Mennonite Library and Archives of Eastern
Pennsylvania. Mr. Ross Gordon Gerhart III, 231 Ambler Avenue , Ambler, PA 19002-5903.
reunion is scheduled for the last Sunday of each August at Christ German
Reformed Church at Indian Creek Church and Cowpath Roads, near Telf Franconia
Township , Montgomery
County , PA. Each Reunion includes an annual picnic and festivities.
Mayflower connection
The descendants of William
Thomas and Marion Littlefield Rowe (Don’s Uncle and Aunt) can trace
their ancestry to the arrival of the ship Mayflower. Many thanks to Michelle
(Rowe) Perlette for sharing. Michelle used www.ancestry.com
for this tree data starting from the Mayflower.
George Soule came over as a manservant
had a son named John Soule who
had a son named Moses Soule (m.
Mercy Southworth) who
had a son named Jedediah Soule (m.
Tabitha Bishop) who
had a daughter named Deborah Soule (m.
Ambrose Hamilton) who
had a son named James Soule Hamilton (m.
Mary Webber) who
had a son named Benjamin Hamilton (m.
Eliza Ross) who
had a daughter named Caroline Augusta
Hamilton (m. Stephen Frye Bennett) who
had a daughter named Lydia E. Bennett
(m. Mayall Littlefield) who
had a daughter named Marion Littlefield
(m. William Thomas Rowe)....
I think you probably got the rest. I have the people
who married the first two written down at work but I didn't bring it
home. There is also a notation that I found (but I didn't have time to
follow it through) that read that " Deborah Soule's grandmother Mercy
(Southworth) Soule was the daughter of Edward and Mary (Peabody ) Southworth. Mary Peabody was the granddaughter
of John and Priscilla(Mullins) Alden who came to Plymouth on the Mayflower in 1620." If this is true then
our family is descended from John Alden as well (which makes us related to
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and, unfortunately Dan Quayle :)
) John Adams and John Quincy Adams were also descendents of
John Alden. There are college scholarships available for descendents
of George Soule and John Alden and it would be great if the family knew
about this...Isn't the internet wonderful! I wish I had this
information before I went to college :) I am absolutely fascinated
by our family genealogy. I have found that unfortunately most people
my age have no idea who they are descended from and really don't care. UNQUOTE
Rowe Family Tree ancestors from Canada, Irish
From cousin
Linda Maitland:
How very nice to
hear from you after all this time and how wonderful that you will have more
time for genealogy in the near future.
Re the McCarthy’s
coming from Cork - our branch of
the McCarthy’s came from Cork for sure.
My grandfather said this and the 1851 (Canadian) census confirmed it. As
to where, we don't know. It may have been a city though as the first two
generations (father and sons) who arrived in the 1820s could sign their
names very legibly. All of our McCarthy names are too common to be sure
we've found the right ones on a ship's list except for Peter
McCarthy. Peter is a rather uncommon McCarthy name. So if you
ever see a Peter McCarthy, born abt 1800, keep me in mind!
I haven't done
any work on my McCarthy’s for a long time now, glad to see you're back at
it. Maybe you'll get us all going again and we can make a bit more
All for
now, Linda
From cousin Pat
Flanders Hall
I've kept your year-old message on my email for over a year now. I think it is time to respond. :-)
I've kept your year-old message on my email for over a year now. I think it is time to respond. :-)
I presume that your part-time work has been
delightful! Have you done much research? Do keep me in mind if you
ever narrow the area in Cork where the McCarthy's came from. Like Linda, I've
continued to strike out as well. My research has slowed considerably; I
explained to my husband that I have the feeling that I have found almost
everything I could possibly find. I have begun a draft of the French Canadien
history and am looking for inspiration to start the Irish segment. That
is fun but becomes a full-time job sometimes. I have made contact with a
member of the Gayou family in France (my maiden name) and had high hopes he could start to
narrow things down there for me. But it is more likely that my records
will be use to him. Interesting doing email in another language; thank
goodness for Yahoo translating sites.
My best, Pat
French land records forPortneuf County , Quebec
French land records for
From cousin Yves Marcotte of St Basile, Portneuf County , Quebec
you so much. I do have your census book of 1825 through 1901, so I'll look that
section up.
Thanks again,
Cuz Don
From: Yves
I don't
know if you have the book ”Les recensements civils (1825-1901) de
Saint-Basile-de-Portneuf". If you do, then you can find in in the last section of the
book Le cadastre
original de Saint-Basile (1878). It describes each of the 546 lots
of land of the parish, giving the numer assignated to the "lot"
(piece of land), the name of the owner at the time they made that land
registry, the neighbouring on the four cardinal points, the width, the length
and the surface of the lot. There is also copy of the plan of the parish
showing each of those lots. So you can identify the lots that could have an
interest for you.
I have
worked on the transmission of the property of some of those lots. Should you be
able to identify those interesting you, I'll check what I have on them.
is a web site provided by the Quebec government where you could have this information about the
successive owners of a lot. You have to pay for that. You will find that site at: http://www.registrefoncier.gouv.qc.ca/Sirf/
will need basic information such as, the county (Portneuf), the parish (ex.:
Saint-Basile), the number of the lot (ex.; lot 208, owned by William Shanahan).
general information will list all the transactions related to that lot. ($
1.00, whatever the number of pages of the document). Each of those transactions
being numbered, then you could ask to view one specific transaction. Then you
will see the original act as registered in the county office. ($ 1.00 each
whatever the number of pages of the act). You could do that for each parish of
the Portneuf county. The county office is no more the place to go to find or
read an act. Since everything has been numbered, this web site has replaced the
Let me
know if I could help.
Subject: French land records
I was wondering if you could help
out with my continuing search for family data. I have three of your census
books, but was wondering if you had perhaps done one dealing with land records
in Portneuf county, or could direct me to an Internet site or records archives.
Thanks so much, Cuz Don

SS Lucania –
photo from Wikipedia
This is the ship
my mother came to America on in 1906 with her parents. Research thanks to second cousin once
removed Linda Vilcheck.
Recent Shanaghan family
discoveries – based on research of inhabitants in and around
Abbeyfeale, County Limerick Ireland
using Griffith ’s Valuation data of
1852. No conclusion can be drawn, but the data is perhaps a clue to where my
Shanaghans originated.
Townland of Ballagh, lots 2a and 5 – Edmond Shanahan
Townland of Cleanglass North, Larkins – Timothy and Michael Shanahan
Townland of Dromtasna North, lots 3c, William Shanahan
(rented from John Hartnett)
Townland of Ballymurragh East, lot 4a, rented from Timothy
Townland of Glendarragh, 11a, 11Ba, 11Ca, and 19, rented
from Timothy Shanahan
1910 US Census for Southborough, Worcester , MA – family 280,
page 11. William Hayes Pratt and Wife
Matilda G. Pratt, both born 1849 in Maine . William and Matilda are the Grandparents of Vivian M.
Woodward, born 1902, and Lillian M. Woodward, born 1903. Vivian and Lillian
later became step children of John Angus McDonald (Nancy ’s maternal grandfather) and his first wife Cassie W.
McDonald. Other notes indicate Cassie had three brothers. Cassie’s middle
initial W suggests her married name was Woodward. Her death certificate from
the Town of Hingham, MA and the obituary in the Hingham Journal of 22 August 1919 verify that the Pratt’s were her parents, her mother’s
maiden name was Robinson, and that she had three brothers. The obituary notes
her two daughters, who thus are verified as John Angus McDonald’s step
Any children
of Vivian Woodward and Lillian Woodward and their spouses would be (step) first
cousins to Nancy .
John Angus
McDonald had a sister, and I found additional information on her (May McDonald
Taylor (see below).
1920 US Census for Lisbon , NH – enumeration district 54, sheet 12 -last names of Taylor ’s was spelled as Tayler. May A Tayler was shown as age 37
(born 1883) in Nova
Scotia . Archie Tayler was shown as age 58 (born
1862). The children of Archie and May were given as: Donald W. Tayler, age 13; Priscilla Tayler,
age 7; and Gladys Tayler as age 1 year and 3 months. May McDonald Tayler’s
mother, Margret (probably Margaret) McDonald was given as age 75, and as born
in Nova Scotia .
1940 US Census for Franconia , Franconia Town , Grafton , NH – lists May A. Taylor, age 57, born Canada , as wife of Archie E. Taylor, age 58, born NH. Gladys Taylor, their daughter, is given as
age 21.
The children of Donald, Gladys and Priscilla
Taylor are first cousins to Nancy .
Cassie was born 18 September 1881 in Rockport , ME and died 21 August 1919
in Hingham , MA . Her funeral was held in the First Baptist Church in Hingham .
I was unable to
find further information on either Cassie W. or her siblings using www.familysearch.org . Future research
might reveal additional information can be found in potential obituary in her
parent’s town of Southville , MA.
Cassie W. (Pratt) Woodward and
John Angus McDonald
Cassie W. (Pratt) Woodward was John Angus McDonald’s first
wife. Cassie W. Pratt died in Hingham , MA
21 Aug 1919 at 38 years, 11
months and three days – of mercury poisoning (accidental) per the death
certificate. Her death certificate from the Town of
Hingham, MA and the obituary in the Hingham Journal of 22 August 1919 verify that the Pratt’s (William Hayes Pratt and Matilda
G. Pratt) were her parents, her mother’s maiden name was Robinson, and that she
had three brothers. Her death records were not found using either
Ancestry.com or Familysearch.org. The census data below was similarly derived
from www.ancestry.com and www.familysearch.org searches.
1870 US Census of St. George, Knox County , ME
–George Pratt, age 53 and Margaret Y. Pratt, age 45. Children of George and
Margaret Pratt:
William H. Pratt, age 21
James H.
Pratt, age 19
Pratt, age 16
Ada A.
Pratt, age 13
Frankie H.
Pratt, age 7
George and Margaret Pratt are the paternal grandparents
of Cassie W. (Pratt) Woodward, the first wife of John Angus McDonald.
1880 US Census of St. George,
Knox County, ME – William H. Pratt, age 31 with wife Matilda age
31. Children listed:
William H.
Pratt, age 7 (b 1873)
Lelon H.
Pratt, age 4 (b 1876)
George H.
Pratt, age 6 (b 1874)
Willard D.
Pratt, age 3 (b 1877)
Jane Davis,
age 68 (B 1812) – mother-in-law born ME
Lelon, George and Willard above are Cassie’s siblings
1900 US Census – in Chelsea Ward 4, Suffolk , MA – William H. Pratt, age 51 and
Matilda G. Pratt. The document shows they were married in 1872. Children shown
Willard D.
Pratt, age 23
Cassie W.
Pratt, age 20 (single and born in Maine
May 1880)
Searches using Ancestry.com and Familysearch.org found no
record of the marriage of Cassie W. Pratt to Woodward. Tradition would suggest
they were married in MA in her town of residence.
1910 US Census – in Southborough, Worcester , MA – William H. Pratt age 61 and
Matilda Pratt, age 61, together
with granddaughters:
M. Woodward, age 8 (B 1902 in MA)
M. Woodward, age 7 (B 1903 in MA)
This record suggests Cassie was divorced in/before 1910.
Vivian and Lillian were step-daughters of Nancy ’s
maternal grandfather, John Angus McDonald, and would be Nancy ’s
step Aunts. The children of Vivian and Lillian and spouses are Nancy ’s
step first cousins.
A photograph dated 8
September 1910 has the following note – “Cassie and her pal Jack”
suggesting they were not married at that time. His military service re cords
show he was single in 1908 and married by February of 1912.
Cassie had two daughters: Vivian M. Woodward and Lillian M.
Woodward, born respectively 1902 and 1903 (per 1910 US Census for family 280,
page 11) living in Southborough, Worcester County ,
MA . They lived then with their
grandparents, William Hayes Pratt and Matilda G. at the time of the 1910 US
Census. Both grandparents were born 1849 in Maine .
1920 US Census – in Southborough, Worcester , MA – William H.
Pratt age 71 and
Matilda Pratt, age 70 (both born
Future research
into the MacKenzie, McDonald, MacInnis, MacLeod, and Gillis family lines are
open to your participation. My intent is to focus on my paternal Wroe,
McCarthy, and Shanaghan family lines.
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