HI CUZ Blog 116
Copyright 1990 et seq, Donald Rowe
Teresa (Tamborrel) Rowe research – email string with my first cousin once removed
Marta Innocenti - Re: Your grandparents
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 8:14 PM
Subject: Your grandparents marriage
hope you are in good health and enjoying life.
I can't seem to find a date and location for the marriage of Joseph w. Rowe and Teresa Tamborrel Sequierros. Do you know that information.
Thanks, Cuz Don Rowe
I'm trying to update information on the sisters and brothers of (my Uncle) Joseph Rowe.
Thanks for that information. I found a woman on Facebook with the last name Tanborrel, living in Texas but born in Mexico City. I'll see if she's related.
care, CUZ Don 

From: Marta Innocenti Wednesday, February 4, 2015
3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Your grandparents marriage
Subject: Re: Your grandparents marriage
Dear Don,
I’m sorry, I don’t know the date or location of the marriage of my
grandparents. But I must correct you: my grandmother’s name was Teresa Tamborrel AMADOR. Maybe
with the right data you may find something.
Good luck! MARTA
HICUZ 28 - 1852 Bowler/Sullivan research - Griffith's
Valuation, call no. Q941.5, R2g, volume 68 (or film 0844984 at Family History
Library in Salt Lake City, UT), was taken in August 1852 and records the
household, in Kerry County,
Dunkerron South Barony, Castlecove Electoral District, Kenmare County District,
Kilcrohane Parish, and Skehanagh Townland, of great, great grandfather
John Bowler and the family of great great grandfather Sylvester Sullivan (only
males were listed as heads of households) - then Caherdaniel townland.
research - Great, great grampa John Bowler (and his wife, great
great gramma Catherine Sullivan) in 1852 rented land and a home from William
Jeremyn, as did others in the hamlet (my term, since only ten families lived in
Skehanagh). John and Catherine rented over ten acres (10//3//12) of land
assessed at 2 pounds, 2 shillings; a house at 8 shillings. John Bowler also
rented an additional 98 acres (98//3/15) of other nearby land, in partnership
with Patrick Bowler, Daniel Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Timothy Moriarity,
Murtagh Galvin, and Philip Mahoney) .
A Patrick Bowler (probably
kin to John - ?? brother; ?? father) rented over 9 acres of land (9//3//29)
assessed at 2 pounds, no shillings; he (and his family ??) lived in a house
assessed at 10 shillings.
Skehanagh - This particular data (page 9) was recorded on
27 August 1852 by a Royal Irish constable. The total assessed valuation of
lands and buildings in Skehanagh in 1852 was given as 22 pounds, 12 shillings,
with land holding 19 pounds, 13 shillings (the vast majority) of that value.
Skehanagh, located in the hills above Caherdaniel and Castlecove and whose data
is shown on page 54, reflects "family" of my great great
grandfather Sylvester Sullivan, though I haven't figured out just how. I made
copies of the pages encompassing Skehanagh, Caherdaniel and several surrounding
townlands (all with familiar family surnames evident), so future research has a
starting point.
HICUZ 29 –1901 Irish Census, Kerry - County Kerry; Barony Dunkerron South;
Electoral District - South Kerry; Poor Law Union
Kenmare; Electoral District Castlecove;
Parish Kilcrohane, Townland Skehanagh. Film 0836561,
near end of roll, in census parcel 50/23.
- Sylvester Sullivan, head, 70, cannot
read/write, farmer,
Kerry, speaks
Irish/English (he signed the form, however)
Ellen (Bowler)
Sullivan, wife, 55, r/w, wool spinner,
Kerry, "/"
(Francis) Sullivan, son, 18, r/w, farmer's son, Kerry,"/"
Sullivan, dau, 21, r/w, farmer's dau, Kerry, "/"
Sullivan, son, 16, r/w, farmer's son, Kerry, "/"
the above on Form A//below
data from Form B (land assessment)
They lived in a
"Built" house serving as a private dwelling; 2 outbuildings; walls of
stone, brick, or cement; perishable roof of wood, thatch or other; 2 rooms; 2
windows in front; classified as a third class house (according to # rooms,
windows, outbuildings); a distinct family lived there; head of household was
Sylvester Sullivan (MY
GREAT, Grandfather); data collected 15 April, 1901, by Constable Patrick
of Sylvester (Silvie) and Ellen (Bowler) Sullivan:
(Children shown bolded below
were enumerated; rest were not)
Abigail Marie Sullivan b 1 Jan 1860 ,married William
John Brew 11 Feb 1886 , Pocatello ,ID
John Sullivan b 17 May 1865 Sneem, Kerry, Irlnd
died in infancy
John Shea Sullivan (2nd) b 5 May 1870 Caherdaniel,
Kerry married (Bridget Mulcahy/Bridget
Dennis Sullivan b 1868
married (1) Geneva Kelly (2) Sarah (? Delia)
Patrick Sullivan b 1873, married (1) Ellen Casey 19
1919; (2) Sarah Donnelly
Daniel Francis Sullivan b 20 May 1882, married Mary
Lyons, 22 Sep 1914 Pocatello, Idaho
- noted
above in 1901 Irish
Sylvester Sullivan b 12 Dec 1884, married Katherine
Langan 13 Nov 1913
- noted above in 1901 Irish
Mary Ellen Sullivan b 3 June 1871 Skehanagh - married
Dennis Riordan 2 June 1896 Ansonia , CT ;
came w/
Bridget to USA in 1895
Kathleen I - died in infancy 1872 (?)
Kathleen II - Sr Mary Dosethius b 15 Aug 1878 ,
Sr Mary Dosie, of Sisters of Mercy, Hartford , CT
Helen M. "Nellie" - Sr Mary Patrick ?1879, Sister of
Mercy,Hartford, CT
- noted above in 1901 Irish census
Bridget Sullivan b 10 Mar 1875 , m Denis Joseph O'Connor
5 June 1901 Derby, CT MY GRANDPARENTS
HI CUZ 10 - Received a letter and photo journal from second cousin Helen (Riordan) O'Neill of West
Haven, CT. The photos were of her
August 93 trip to Ireland to visit her grandparents' (Riordan's in
Templeglantine, Tullagoline; Sullivans in Skehanegh, Caherdaniel) homes. Helen was accompanied by her niece Ann (Riordan) Fanning and her
daughter Sara (Riordan) Maslin.
They met a number of relatives and saw the ancestral homes. She also saw Parknasilla Hotel, where her
grandmother and mine worked to earn money for passage to America almost 100
years ago. They saw John Sullivan (82),
his son Michael, wife Maryanne and two sons; John is Helen's first cousin. They
were able to get copies of Riordan ancestral baptism records at Holy Trinity
Church in Templeglantine. They also met,
on the Sullivan side, Maureen O'Leary, and a family friend, Moira Moriarty -
the postmistress of Caherdaniel. Helen
also provided a copy of her Grandparents 1 June 1896 Ansonia, CT marriage
license. Helen also passed on Denis and
Ann Fanning's address: 262 Taft Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604.
HICUZ 15 -
Received a nice letter from Eleanore (Sullivan) Riordan, thanking Greg and all
for sending along the shawl from Maura Moriarity. Eleanore recalled my mom in their youth, and
of knowing that my mom was
born in the Sullivan home in the hills of Skehanagh above Cahirdaniel. She recalled that four families, the Gabins,
Gleasons, and two others lived in the same area. Eleanore's daughter visited the site several
years ago and sent along a travel photo journal.
Sullivan data -
We received a reply from Bridgeport's Vital Records office. It was a copy of
the "Medical Certificate of Death" and "Undertaker's
Certificate" for Great Gramma Ellen (Bowler) Sullivan. The cause of her 2 Feb 1919 death is given as
Apoplexy, with duration noted as 30 days. The attending physician was Daniel P.
Griffin; her place of residence as 2010 Seaview Avenue. Other information
given: she was noted as the widow of Sylvester Sullivan and the daughter of
John Bowler and Kate Sullivan (was she a relative also???). Both parents were
noted as born in Ireland. She is noted as born in Ireland in 1847, and as 72
years of age at death.
My maternal grandparents - Denis “Mr Denny”
Joseph O’Connor m Bridget Sullivan -
Catherine – became Sr Mary Irene
Joseph m Marie Elizabeth Arsenault
(My parents) Bridget Bernadine “Bryde” m Daniel Mannix
Rowe MD
(my Mom was born
1905 in Skehanagh, Caherdaniel, County Kerry)
Monica “Mayo” m John Richard Carroll
Rita m George Donald LaPolice
“Nonie” Cecilia – not married
Agnes "Kay" m Francis Clifford Ambrose
“Soc” m Ceil
Dorothy “Dot” m
Gerald Christian Hansen
Anna May – died
during infancy
“Journey” m John O’Donnell
Edna Patricia
“Tish” – not married
Vincent “Vink”
m Madeline Keilly
Linda (Sullivan) Vilcheck
and royalty – roots back to King Edward IV of England.
Ack! I was just scrolling for
your e-mail address. Sure, I'll share re Edward IV - but that comes from the
Gillis line in Cornwall. I know there is a Gillis or two in your background -
are you sure they aren't from there? THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES, PHOGG! Anyway,
the reason I was going to e-mail was to let you know about Skehanagh. We are
related to just about everyone in that part of southwest Kerry.
John and I stayed in a small
cottage which is part of a larger estate - so big it needs a caretaker (and his
wife). The wife was there to meet us - wanted to know if we were going to be
doing anything in particular. I said we were - that I was looking for Skehanagh
because my ggrandfather, aunts, and uncles came from there.
She became very excited and
said SHE was from there - her name is Katherine (Quindlen) Casey. Her whatever
grandmothers were Sullivan and Donaghue (maybe the Bowler sister who stayed in
Ireland when everyone else left?) O.K. by now we're both yelling and screaming.
She said she knew where the Bowler lands were and would show me - also where
our gggrands' house was.
Then she got too busy to do
that (pesky real job interfered) but told me to go see a Brendan Gallivan who
knows everything. He really does. He owns the land the house is on, pointed it
out, but didn't walk up there with us. It's in the middle of nowhere, up on a
hill, surrounded by man-eating sheep, and piles of poop you have to pole-vault
over. The roof is long gone, along with the upper half of the walls, but you
can still see where the rooms are.
He also took us to the
cemetery where everyone is buried (a treasure trove of names), also up on a
hill. The man is 85 years old and climbs like a mountain goat and not once
clutched his chest or gasped for air. It wasn't easy stifling my whining. Also
found out everyone was baptized in St Crohan's in Cahirdaniel - including my
ggrandfather, who always said he was born in Cahirciveen.
Don't think so. AND across
from Brendan's pub is a gas station and small grocery owned by ANOTHER cousin -
Brendan O'Leary. After he determined we belonged to "Sylvie" Sullivan
and not one of the others, he became very helpful, too. He goes to visit an
older lady (in her 90's, a Shea) every week or so, who knows plenty. Said he'd
find out what he could and let me know. Two weeks were not enough - next year
we'll stay for three. What an odd sensation sitting in those ruins of a house.
When we left, without
warning, I bawled my eyes out. When John gets back, he'll send you pictures of
the house - that'll be in approx. 10 min.
On Saturday, July 16, 2016 1:49
PM, Donald Rowe <rowboatdon@yahoo.com> wrote:
I may get around to my ink pot and quill, to update a future HICUZ .... and I was thinking you might want to share your research leading us back to Edward the Fourth ... or a fifth?
How were
the scones?
Love, Phogbound
From: JOHN VILCHECK <jrvilcheck@snet.net>
To: "rowboatdon@yahoo.com" <rowboatdon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 2:03 PM
Subject: Ireland
To: "rowboatdon@yahoo.com" <rowboatdon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 2:03 PM
Subject: Ireland
Phogg! Where have you been for
the past two reunions? I've been busily rummaging around in genealogy all this
time and found something grin-worthy in the Gillis line. It appears that Edward
lV is something like my 15th great grandfather. Too bad the queen wasn't my
grandmother, though.
I'll take my sweet time
verifying this - and until I do, I feel I'm entitled to free scones at
Buckingham Palace, don't you think? And non-verification won't stop me from
showing up at all the great manor houses with a roll of "MINE"
stickers in hand either. Anything you or Nancy fancy? I'd be happy to slap
one on something for you.
Anyway, John and I, and
Deirdre and her husband Tom, are going to Ireland on 29 April for 2 weeks.
We're staying in Castlecove for the whole time, and I'd like to find whatever
is left of the house our ggrands had in Skehanagh. Do you remember exactly
where it is? I have a few pictures of the stone foundations on a disc you gave
me, but anything else? Also, do you know who owns that property - would they
mind if we were walking around there, do you think? Anything you have, or any
thoughts/ideas would be great. Thanks!
Re: Ireland
- Donald
Rowe <rowboatdon@yahoo.com> Jul 17 at
10:42 AM
Message body
WOW!!!! Almost every name you mention, Quinlan, Casey, Gallivan ... are related.
And you found the homestead. THANK YOU so very very much!
My Gillis connection, Rowe side is by marriage of one of my first cousins. Nancy's side has Gillis connection also.
Got the pictures, Thanks John. I'll put your notes in a future HICUZ. Am trying desperately to final edit my third novel, so it may take weeks (or months). Every now and then a treasure comes along. You, and your discoveries and insights, are at the top of the list.
This year Gomes (brother Dan) and Karen, Nancy, Alex and I are going to a Rowe reunion in August. Sorrowfully we'll miss the O'C reunion at the Carrolls place.
For folks born around there, St Crohan's Parish records might be extremely helpful.
I believe it is still true that if your grandparents were born in Ireland (and you can provide documents tracing your roots to them) you can get an Irish passport. Used to cost $75.00, but probably more now. I understand it makes you a "national" rather than a voting "citizen", and allows one to use EU passport lines at EU airports. The Irish General Register Office website probably has instructions and a downloadable form. Some of the cousins at the O'C Reunion might want to pursue such a passport. Tell Tommy Carroll it might take two strokes off his golf score.
I still think you ought to consider putting your truly memorable quips into a short book. If you didn't physically kiss the Blarney Stone, it seems you have the gift it bestows.
Love, Phogbound
Other new research data …
Dale Richard
Austin … library version of Ancestry.com provided the following:
(1) M1 -
Married Maryann Robinson, 03 November 1962 in San Diego, CA.
His age 19, hers
(2) M2 – Married Penelope L. Johnson 26
September, 1965 in Los Angeles, CA.
age 22, hers 18.
(3) His mothers’ maiden name was Tillman. No
fathers name was found in search.
(4) He died 26 January, 1990 in Ventura, CA. No
death certificate was found through
His birth date was given as 5 June 1943 in National City, CA.
(5) His Social Security number was: 555-60-1113.
Data including wages earned, places
employment can be requested by descendants with forms accessible on the
There is a family connection, but it won’t be explained. It
will be obvious to those concerned.
More Rowe research data from Scott Rowe 16
April 2015
Have to "assume" this is our Wm? - Portland City Gov.
1888 Ward 2 Common Council members; Wm.J. Rowe, Thomas E Coyne, Daniel
Google search of "Books" result
Part of the Rowe family, specifically the descendents of my
Aunt/Uncle Marion (Littlefield) and William T. Rowe, MD, were in abundance in
Portland, ME for a harbor cruise through Casco Bay, and a picnic gathering at
Fort Allen on Portlands’ Eastern Promenade. Nearby in Portland’s Munjoy Hill
area were numerous homes occupied at one time by my Great grandparents (Thomas
and Mary Ellen (Meagher) Wroe/Rowe, and Grandparents (William Joseph and
Catherine Ellen (Shanahan) Rowe).
Rowe family research areas – Several cousins asked for help,
suggestions to research the following family members:
Robert Marshall –
drowned August 1946 at Pine Point Beach, Scarborough, ME
Suggest you
write Scarborough Police for a copy of report
Calvary Cemetery - http://portlanddiocese.org/genealogy died 5 August 1946; age at death 10 years, 11
months, 4 days. Buried Section S OC, lot 291B in grave #01, next to parents.
Death certificate – I believe you’ll have to write to
State Vital Records department
Observers at death ???
Born 1935/1936, probably Portland, ME
Parents - Catherine (Rowe) and Daniel Marshall
A number of other
Marshalls are buried in Calvary Cemetery.
Details of death – question posed by Tricia (Marshall), wife
of David Gai, a lawyer. They knew of his death and burial details, and had visited
his grave alongside her parents.
William Thomas Rowe, JR
– son of William T. Rowe, MD and Marion Littlefield
Born abt 1915 Probably Rumford, ME.
In 1930 US Census she lived with her parents and
siblings at Knox Street, Rumford, ME.
In 1932 City Directory of Rumford, ME Wm. T. Rowe JR
lived at 250 Penobscot Street as a student with his siblings – Catherine (age
20); Elizabeth (age 17); Linwood (age 11); Barbara (age 9); and Sally (age 14
Per Maine marriage records he married Hazel C. Newell
of Rumford, ME on 25 August 1934.
He served in WWII – service records say he entered US
Army on 17 March 1941 at Springfield, Massachusetts (before Pearl Harbor). The record
shows him as divorced, w/o dependents at that time.
Hazel Cora (Newell) b 10 July 1916 in Lewiston, ME and
Wm Thomas Rowe JR divorced before 1941 per Maine records. Hazel’s parents were:
Charles W. Newell (druggist) of Richmond, ME and Laverne H. of Livermore
Falls, ME. They lived in Rumford, ME.
Hazel had the following siblings:
Erla E. b 1916
Harriet E. b 1919
Charles W. b 1921
Nancy G. b 1924
He remarried Phyllis Gertrude Bignotti of Lexington,
Mass in 1946. She b 16 March 1918 in Somerville, Mass. She lived in Lexington,
Mass in 1942 per City Directory at 556 Massachusetts Avenue.
Her parents, both born in Italy, were:
Francis “Frank” H. and
Angelina R. Bignotti. Frank d 1962,
Angelina d in 1926.
Phyllis has following
Louise H.
Bignotti b 18 Jan 1909 in Worcester, Mass
Ethel Louise
Bignotti, born 1910. M 1933 in Lexington, Mass
Eda F.
Bignotti, b 1913 in Somerville, Mass
Frances E.,
b 1914. Married Edward Donohue 1966 in Waltham,
In 1930 Phyllis Bignotti family lived in Lexington, Mass at 122A
Massachusetts Avenue.
brother Dan recalls that William Rowe (JR) had a daughter, but can’t (Aug 2016)
recall meeting her. He also recalls that the Bignotti family owned the New
England Tire and Wheel Co. of Lexington, Mass where Wm. T. Rowe JR worked.
I have nothing to indicate in any
record what happened to the cousin after birth, or who raised her. She may have
been put up for adoption, or given to family friends to raise. Nothing in what
I’ve found suggests her disposition.
I can personally recall meeting a
female who said she was a ‘cousin’ while I was in High School, but since I knew
so few Rowe cousins due to being a generation out of sync I sadly blew her off.
I have no idea if that person was the cousin I’ve found, or someone with the
last family name. I had two High school classmates with last names of Roe and
Rowe, but neither is related.
I found in familysearch.org files (
a death (obituary) notice of a Shirley Larrabee who died in Cedar Crest,
Allentown County, PA 27 Jan 2013. Her death is apparently noted in “The Morning
Call,” a local paper. It claims she was born in 1936 in Rumford, ME to William
Rowe and Hazel Newell. Shirley’s husband was listed as Phillip Larrabee,
and they seem to have had several children and grandchildren with family names
Wilson (Linwood T. Wilson, Deborah J. Wilson), and Wiggins (Linda W. Wiggins).
The report lists grandchildren Meredith and Gregory, but did not identify their
family names.
I have no reason to disbelieve this
obituary, and the naming of William Rowe and Hazel Newell as parents in 1936
suggests that this Shirley Larrabee is the long lost cousin. Why she was not
brought up by family, with the family name, and was lost/ignored for decades is
puzzling. It may be reasonable that she was not the daughter of William as suggested,
but that wasn’t due to WWII or Army service. William may have recognized that
she was not his daughter even though Hazel was the mother while they were
married, and thus the girl was disowned/not supported. I haven’t found a
divorce record for William and Hazel and only know he was divorced before
entering the Army. The fact that he did not acknowledge Shirley in his military
records also suggests he may not have been the father.
However, the fact that Shirley
claimed him as her father at death suggests she was born during the marriage of
William and Hazel and that she had a memory of it.
research often comes up with such controversial and puzzling mysteries. I've
learned a number of them, some I've promised not to reveal. Like a detective
novel. Oh my!!!
RESEARCH IDEAS - Local library system, the Central Rappahannock Regional Library
(CRRL) held a series of family research familiarization lectures. Titled Genealogy 101, the CRRL presentation revealed
some new capabilities for family research. Your library may have similar
expertise, so it is worth sharing for those valiant few CUZZES who are into
family research.
Users of my local library
system (CRRL) can now access the library version of Ancestry.com at any of the
eight branches.
One of YOUR first family research tools should be www.familysearch.org
. To find out what your local, county and/or state resources for family
research are … within familysearch.org, select the WIKI option, and search on
“How to” in your area.
If your library has microfiche or microfilm readers/printers you should ask if the library allows patrons
to order such things as microfilm copies of census records, and any other kind
of family research sources from the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake
City, UT.
Determine the extent and availability of digitized state, county,
local records. State vital records
department and court systems may be able to provide birth, marriage, and death
Determine if your library’s Internet connection allows you to
access other databases such as military records, county, court, etc etc etc.
GOOD LUCK on your searches.
cousins whose religious beliefs persuade them to conduct ceremonies, which long
after the passing of common ancestors, rebaptizes, remarries, and reburies
those ancestors … I ask that the data provided by these
newsletters not be used in such “Temple Ordnances” and that the religious
beliefs of the departed are respected, unaltered as their own, sacrosanct
from such revisions of belief and historical fact.
1) Become
a follower of this HICUZ Blog.
2) Put
a shortcut to the HICUZ Blog on your PC desktop.
3) Cut
and paste each newsletter to your computer.
4) Send
a link to this Blog to your family members, so they can learn of and share
family history.
5) Take
a genealogy course at a college, community college, library or group in your
6) Recognize
we’re all FAMILY.
Sassi family research data
Shared with/from Scott via Facebook
– both of 1/25/2015 Don Rowe
Cuz Don here - on Familysearch.org I found other info on
Mauro's wedding 25 Oct 1906 in Boston, MA. It states he was born 1875 in Italy,
his spouse was Delmina Salmi, dau of Mariano Salmi and Rosa Balugani. Mauro,
Vincenzo, and Agnes parents were Massimiliano Sassi and Oliva Cantori.
Also found
Vincenzo arriving on ship Aller 02 May 1900 in Boston, MA - manifest #00083443
.. from Genoa.
Thanks Don, I did find those as well on Ancestry.com,
still trying to find Vincenzo's wife and two children who came in 1902
(Teodolinda (Bussolari) Sassi, Gaitano (my grandfather) and Agnes. Note how old
Mauro was when he married (35) and it states it’s his first marriage! I've only
identified Mauro and Vincenzo as siblings although I'm sure there must be more.
Agnes was my grandfather Gaitano's sister who died at 17. Did you find another
Agnes belonging to Massimmiliano?
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