Thursday, February 12, 2015


HI CUZ Blog 113
Copyright 1990 et seq, Donald Rowe
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Great Aunt Jane “Jennie” J. and Uncle Frank M. Emery
            1867 - 7 SEP - Jane “Jennie” Rowe born to Thomas and Mary Ellen (Meagher/Mahir) Rowe
                        in Portland, ME.
1870 – US Census – Jane appeared in US Census records with parents Thomas and Mary
            Rowe. Jane was age 3.
1880 – US Census - Jane appeared in US Census records with parents Thomas and Mary
            Rowe. Jane was age 12.
            1896 - 2 July marriage of Jennie Rowe, age 27, to Frank Emery, age 21. He is listed as a
clerk, she as a domestic. Frank’s place of birth given as Bangor, ME. His parents
were noted as Samuel and Addie Emery.
            1900 - US Census – shows Frank Emery, b Nov 1872, age 27; Jennie J as age 24, born
                        Sep 1870. Their son Leonard as age 4 months, b Jan 1900. Next door, at 18
                        Melbourne Street lived the family of Mary E. (Rowe) McLewin and her husband
                        James G. McLewin and their children Florence M. age 4, b Sep 1895; James H.
                        age 2, b Aug 1897. Jennie and Ann are possibly sisters. Frank worked as a
shipper at wholesale grocery and James McLewin in the same business. That the
two husbands worked in same business provides additional circumstantial
evidence of a family connection.
            1910 – US Census – Frank M. age 36 was a millwright at odd jobs. Jennie J. age 31,
                        Leonard age 10, Irena E. age 8, and William C. age 7 lived together.
                        Between 1910 and 1920 Frank M. Emery passed away.
            1920 – US Census – Family lived at 26 Adams Street – Jennie J. age 50, Leonard age 20
                        a manager of grocery store; Irene age 18 – a canner at corn factory; William age
                        16, a salesman at grocery. Frank M. Emery was deceased.
            1925 - Portland City Directory – Family lived at 75 Beckett Street, Portland, ME.
            1930 – US Census – Jennie G. noted as a widow, lived with daughter Sarah E. age 35, a
 teacher at public school.
            1937 - Portland City Directory – Jennie J., widow of Frank M. lived at 75 Beckett Street.
                        Separate entry – Sara E., teacher at Vaughan St. school, lived Congress St. Hotel
Separate entry – Leonard F. (Florence A.) grocer at 3 Adams Street, lived at 75
            Beckett Street with mother (and wife).
            1939 – 14 March – death of William C. at age 35 years, 11 months and 22 days. Lived at
 75 Beckett St at time of death. Buried Calvary Cemetery R-OC, lot 162 grave 5.
            1940 – US Census – not found in database search.
            1941 - Portland City Directory – Leonard F. (Florence A.) clerk at 22 North Street;
                                    resided at 75 Beckett Street.
                        Separate entry – Sara E., teacher Vaughan St. School, lived 61 Deering Street,
                                    apt 11
                        Separate entry – William (Leona G.) – possibly brother William C. Emery
1946 – 25 January, death of Jennie R. Emery at 75 years, 4 months and 22 days. Buried
Calvary Cemetery R-OC, lot 162 grave 3.

My (Rowe side) Grandparents – William Joseph and Catherine Ellen
          (Shanaghan) Rowe
Wm. Joseph Rowe born at sea on ship Josephus 5 June 1853. Ship docked 9 June 1853.
            Married 19 June 1877 in Portland, ME.
Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan) born 25 April 1852 in Ste Basile, Portneuf County,
1870 – US Census – William, age 17, appeared in US Census records with parents Thomas
            and Mary Rowe, plus siblings Ann age 15; Kate age 11; Thomas age 7; Mary age 5;
            and Jane age 3. 
            1874 – Catherine Shanaghan emigrated from Canada to Portland, ME.
            1877 – 19 June – William Joseph Rowe married Catherine Ellen Shannon in Portland,
                        ME at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Link - In 1866, the construction of the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland began under the supervision of New York architect, Patrick C. Keeley. By 1866, when the walls of the cathedral were nearly finished, a fire destroyed most of the structure. The rebuilding began two years later, and in 1869 the cathedral was dedicated.

The structure represents a neo-Gothic style of architecture. One of the building's steeples has a vertical height of 204' high, which makes it the tallest structure in Portland.
 The cathedral is located at 307 Congress Street.

The Cathedral described above is where Grandparents William Joseph and Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan) Rowe were married 19 June 1877.
            1879 – Portland City Directory - Thomas Rowe, laborer, lives 40 Monument Street,
                        Portland, ME.
(his son) William J. Rowe, iron and tin worker @ 31 Commercial Street, lives 48
Adams Street, Portland, ME.
            1880 – US Census – William J. Rowe age 25, tinsmith. Kate Rowe, age 25, keeping
                        house. Mary Rowe, age 7 months. No street address on census.
            1892 – 22 January - William J. Rowe became a naturalized citizen.
12 July - Thomas Rowe (born with surname Wroe in England and father of
            William Joseph Rowe) died this date in 1892.
                        Portland City Directory – page 553, lists – Rowe and McBrady (William. J. Rowe
 and John Edward McBrady) tin and sheet iron workers, 229 Federal Street (see
            page 811).

Of note, in 1892 the Portland City Directory showed the proximity of Rowe families in Portland.
Thomas Rowe (father), a molder at Portland Company, lived 17 Newberry Street,
            Portland, ME.
                        Thomas Rowe (son of above Thomas Rowe) – a joiner at Portland Company,
                                    boards 17 Newberry Street, Portland, ME.
                        William J. Rowe (son of Thomas Rowe, father, above) – (Rowe and McBrady),
                                    tin plate and sheet iron worker @ 229 Federal street, home 54 Adams

The Rowe and McBrady firm noted above was with our McBrady cousins, who in 2015 still run a sheet metal company in the Portland, ME area. Note also that the families of Thomas Rowe and his son Wm J. Rowe lived in homes that were close to each other in Munjoy Hill area of Portland, Maine.

            1900 – US Census - Family lived at 45 Waterville Street. Father William J. Rowe age 46;
 mother Catherine E. age 46. Children at home were: William T. age 19; John H.
age 16; Edwin L. age 13; Francis S. age 11; Joseph W. age 9; Daniel M. age 6;
Alice J. age 4; Thomas L. age 7 months; and Mary Sherry – servant.  Birthplace
of William J. Rowe given as “at sea.”
1909 - Portland City directory – William J. Rowe listed mgr, 173 Fore Street, home 45
            Waterville Street.
                        5 July – Death of William Joseph Rowe in Portland, ME.  Buried Cavalry
 Cemetery, So. Portland, ME – Section K-OC, lot 411, grave 2. He lived at 45
Waterville Street at time of death.
1910 – US Census - Rowe family, headed by Catherine Ellen Rowe (now a widow),
            resided at 45 Waterville Street, Portland, ME. Living with Catherine, age 52, were
 John Henry age 26, his wife Ella J. (Grace), age 21, and their son William J., age
5 months. Also at same home were Edwin L., age 23, Francis S. age 21; Joseph
W. age 19; Daniel M. age 16; Alice J. age 14; and Thomas L. age 10.
1920 – US Census - Rowe family, headed by Catherine Ellen Rowe resided at
            45 Waterville Street, Portland, ME – now a widow, and my father Daniel M.
            Rowe – Fire Insurance agent; also living at home was Francis S. “Frank” Rowe,
            his wife Sarah (Coyne) Rowe and their son Thomas, age 4 ½; Kathleen age 2 ½;
            and Eleanore age 7 months. There were disagreements between brothers Frank
and Ed entries as to where their father (William Joseph Rowe) was born – at sea,
or Boston. See data below for Edwin Leonard Rowe.
            1925 – Portland City Directory – William J., mgr, 173 Fore Street, home 45 Waterville
            1930 - US Census – Catherine (Shannon) Rowe, widow, lived with Sarah Rowe (widow
 of Francis S. Rowe) at 45 Waterville and grandchildren: Thomas L. age 13;
Kathleen M. age 12; and Eleanore F age 10. Census taken 14 April 1930. Also
living at 45 Waterville Street - Daniel M. Rowe, (single) physician, worked at 181
 State Street, room 2. Also there were Edwin L. Rowe, his wife Ella Rowe and
 William J. Rowe, the son of Edwin and Rose (Devine) Rowe. Sadie worked at
Rowe Bros Milk Company;
1934 - 4 April – Death of Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan) Rowe. Buried Cavalry Cemetery,
            So. Portland, ME – Section K-OC, lot 411, grave 3. Lived 24 Washburn Avenue
at time of death.

                             THEIR CHILDREN, my Rowe Aunt/Uncles 

I did not include my parents, Doctor Daniel Mannix and Bridget Bernadine “Bryde” (O’Connor) Rowe (other than as they briefly appeared in Census and City Directory records) as I plan a future book on our Wroe/ Rowe ancestry. It is years away and will cover both sides of my roots.

Nellie Mary (May) Rowe –
1878 - 2 Sep Nellie Mary Rowe born to William J and Catherine E. (Shanaghan) Rowe.   
1879 - 26 Nov – Nellie Mary Rowe died @ 1 and is buried Cavalry Cemetery, So.
            Portland, ME – Section K-OC, lot 411, grave 0. Lived Adams Street at time of

Mary Elizabeth (or Ellen) Rowe
1879 - 20 Nov – Mary Elizabeth (or Ellen) Rowe born to Wm J. and Catherine Rowe of
            Portland, ME.
1885 - 21 Aug – Mary Elizabeth (or Ellen) Rowe died at 5 years and 9 months. Birth date
 estimated from age on death record (and cemetery). Lived Adams Street at time
of death. Buried Calvary Cemetery, K OC, lot 411, grave 5.

Edward “Eddie” Shannon Rowe
1885 - 8 Aug – Edward “Eddie” Shannon Rowe born to William J and Catherine E.
            (Shanaghan) Rowe.
1886 - 4 April – He died at 8 months and is buried Cavalry Cemetery, So. Portland,
            ME – Section K-OC, lot 411, grave 8. I had previously identified his name as
            Edmund. Lived Adams Street at time of death.  Died of croup.

Edward L. Rowe
1887 - 20 Jan – Edward L. Rowe born to William J. and Kate Rowe, per Portland
            recording of old birth record. This name difference may support recollection of
            above Edward Shannon Rowe above being Edmund. No conclusive data has been
            found as to his burial place.

Thomas Lipton Rowe
1899 - 23 Oct – Thomas Lipton Rowe born to William J and Catherine E. (Shanaghan)
1915 - 8 July – He died and is buried Cavalry Cemetery, So. Portland, ME in Section K-
            OC, lot 411, grave 7. Father birth place “at sea”, occupation as sheet iron worker.
            Mother Kate Shannon. Lived at 45 Waterville Street with parents, siblings at time
            of death.

Uncle Francis “Frank” Stephen and Sarah A. “Sadie” (Coyne) Rowe
            1888- 26 December - Francis S. Rowe born in Portland, ME to Wm J. and Katie E.
                        Rowe; record shows he was female. Obviously that information was wrong!!!
1900 - US Census – see data for William J. and Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan) Rowe above
            1910 - US Census – refer to family of William Joseph and Catherine Rowe, living at 45
 Waterville Street.
            1914 – 24 November - marriage to Sarah A. Coyne. Her father given as Patrick F. and
                        mother as Catherine Coyne. They were married by Rev John O’Dowd of Portland
                        Catholic Cathedral. Frank’s occupation given as milkman.
            1917 – WWI Draft Registration card – requested draft exemption as sole support of
                        family. Working as milk dealer (Self employed – Rowe Brothers Dairy). Living at
                        45 Waterville Street (with his parents). Form signed 5 June 1917. He was of
                        medium build, gray eyes, and light brown hair. Claimed exemption on basis of
                        sole support of family at age 28.
1920 – US Census - Rowe family, headed by Catherine Ellen Rowe (widow), resided at
            45 Waterville Street, Portland, ME with mother (widow), my father Daniel M.
            Rowe – Fire Insurance agent; also living at home was brother Francis S. Rowe,
            his wife Sarah (Coyne) Rowe and their son Thomas, age 4 ½; Kathleen age 2 ½;
            and Eleanore age 7 months. There were disagreements between brothers Frank
            and Ed entries as to where their father (William Joseph Rowe) was born.
            1921 – 11 April, his death at Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary, after 2 ½ days from intestinal
                        obstruction. It lists his father (Wm J. Rowe’s) occupation as
                        tinsmith, born Boston (vice at sea) and his mother Catherine E. Shannon as born
                        in Canada. Family lived at 273 Evans Street, So. Portland, ME at time of his
                        death. Uncle Frank buried at Cavalry Cemetery, So. Portland, ME – Section K-
                        OC, lot 411, grave 3.
My father told me Uncle Frank lifted a car off a car accident victim and it twisted his intestines, and that was the real cause of his death.
            1922 - Portland City Directory – Sadie (widow of Francis S.) lived at 45 Waterville Street
                        with Gramma Catherine Ellen Rowe, along with Alice J. teacher Presumpscot
                        School; Daniel M. (Rowe and Donahue) at 22 Monument Square, rm 404.
            1925 - Portland City Directory – Sadie A. Rowe, living at 45 Waterville Street.
            1929 - Portland City Directory – Sarah Rowe (widow of Francis S. Rowe) living at 45
                        Waterville Street (with her in laws); worked Rowe Bros Milk Company at 73
                        Adams Street. Also at 45 Waterville Street was Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan)
                        Rowe, and Wm J. Rowe, son of Edwin and Rose Rowe.
            1930 - US Census – Sarah Rowe (widow of Francis S. Rowe) living at 45
                        Waterville Street (with her mother-in-law); her children: Thomas L. age 13;
                        Kathleen M. age 12; and Eleanore F age 10. Census taken 14 April 1930.
Aunt Sadie used to babysit my three older brothers in 1930s (before I was born) at the farm on Mitchell Road. My brother Dave made a toy mouse and put it on living room rug to frighten her. Before this Aunt Sadie saw a mouse on the porch while babysitting, ran in the house and locked the door. Sometimes Aunt Sadie brought her children with her while babysitting.
1930 - US Census was taken 14 April and my father is living at same
                        address, as single age 36 physician, own office and one month before his
                        own marriage.
            1935 – Portland City Directory – Sadie (widow of Francis S. Rowe) lived at 45
Waterville Street, worked as caller at 173 Fore Street; with her son Thomas L.
                        My father (husband of Bryde B.) physician at 16 Deering Street, summer res
                        Hannaford Road, Cape Elizabeth.
            1937 - Portland City Directory – Sadie (wid) lived at 45 Waterville Street, with daughter
                        Kathleen M.; son Thomas L. Rowe, who worked as clerk at 522 Congress Street.
                        My father (husband of Bryde B.) physician at 717 Congress Street, summer res
                        Hannaford Road, Cape Elizabeth.
            1940 - US Census – Sarah Rowe (widow of Francis S. Rowe) age 53 living at 45
                        Waterville Street (with her mother-in-law); her children: Thomas L. age 24, a
                        truck driver; Kathleen age 22 a school teacher at rural school; and Eleanore
 age 20, general office work at Dept Store; and Francis L. age 18, a baggage man
at RR.
            1941 – Portland City Directory - Sadie (widow) lived at 45 Waterville Street with her
                        mother-in-law, her dau Eleanore F, who was office clerk at 540 Congress Street,
                        her dau Kathleen M, and her son Thomas L, a shipper at 522 Congress Street.
                        My father (husband of Bryde B.) physician at 757 Congress Street, res Mitchell
 Road, Cape Elizabeth. 
            1942 – WWII Draft Registration – of son Thomas L. Rowe on 22 June. States he was
                        born 1915, enlisted as a Private. Tom fought at the Battle of the Bulge in
 December 1944/January 1945 and rose to Staff Sergeant.
            1958 – 1 June – Death of Sarah A. “Sadie” (Coyne) Rowe at age 72. Buried Cavalry
                        Cemetery, So. Portland, ME – Section R- OC, lot 111, grave 4. Lived 6132 82nd
                        Street at time of death.

Uncle Edwin Leonard and Aunt Rosella “Rose” (Devine Rowe
            1887 – 20 Jan - birth to Wm J and Catherine Rowe.
1900 - US Census – see data for William J. and Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan) Rowe above
1909 - Portland City directory – Edwin L. Rowe listed as a driver, 508 Fore Street, boarding
            45 Waterville Street (with mother and family)
1917 - WWI Draft Registration – milk dealer, employed (Milk Company) at 73 Adams
            Street. Age 30. Had blue eyes, of medium height, build stout, and light hair. Form
            signed 5 June. States born 20 Jan 1887, resided at 45 Waterville Street, Portland,
ME with mother Catherine Rowe and siblings.
1920 - US Census - Resided at 45 Waterville Street, Portland, ME with mother Catherine
            Ellen (Shanaghan) age 69 (widow); my father Daniel M. Rowe – Fire Insurance
            agent; also living at home was brother Francis S. Rowe, his wife Sarah (Coyne)
            Rowe and their son Thomas, age 4 ½; Kathleen age 2 ½; and Eleanore age 7
            months. There were discrepancies between brothers Frank and Ed as to where
their father was born.
            1920 – 30 August - marriage to Rosella Devine in Portland, ME, he a milk dealer age 30;
                        she a trained nurse age 33.
            1922 - Portland City Directory – Edwin and Rose living at 88 Morning Street.
            1929 – Portland City Directory - Family lived at 36 Vesper Street. Edwin was mgr of
                        Rowe Bros Milk Co. at 73 Adams. Edwin and Rose’s son, Wm J. lived at 45
Waterville Street with his mother Catherine Ellen Rowe.
            1930 - US Census - Family lived at 45 Waterville Street
My father bought a pickup truck for his brother Ed and Ed used it to transport workers to and from work. He would come to visit my parents at the farm on Mitchell Road every Sunday, but without his wife Rose.
            1930 - Portland City Directory – Also living at 45 Waterville Street - Catherine Ellen
                        (Shanaghan) Rowe, widow; also Daniel M. Rowe, (single) physician, worked at
                        181 State Street, room 2. Also Edwin and his wife Ella Rowe; Sadie (widow of
                        Francis S. Rowe) works at Rowe Bros Milk Company; and William J. Rowe, son
                        of Edwin and Rose (Devine) Rowe.
            1935 – Portland City Directory – Edwin and Rose (Devine) Rowe lived at 36 Vesper
                        Street. Edwin worked with Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA).
            1937 - Portland City Directory – Edwin was employed by Works Projects Administration
                        (WPA). Lived at 36 Vesper Street.
My father (husband of Bryde B.) physician at 717 Congress Street, summer res
Hannaford Road, Cape Elizabeth.
            1940 - US Census – Edwin, age 53, employed as stock clerk at Works Projects
                        Administration (WPA); wife Rose age 50; dau Mary age 18 new worker; son
                        William age 17; son Francis age 11. Lived at 36 Vesper Street.
            1941 - Portland City Directory –Edwin employed by WPA; he and family lived at 36
                        Vesper Street.
                        My father (husband of Bryde B.) physician at 757 Congress Street, home
                        Mitchell Rd, Cape Elizabeth.
            1941 – 7 July - Death of Edwin Leonard Rowe at 54 years of age. He Lived 36 Vesper
                        Street at time of death. Buried Cavalry Cemetery, So. Portland, ME – lot 222X,
                        grave 2.
            1974 – 31 March – Death of Rose Ellen (Devine) Rowe, age 84. Calvary Cemetery,
                        reservation lot 222, grave 2. Lived at 36 Vesper Street at time of death.

Uncle  Joseph William and Aunt Teresa (Tamborrel) Rowe
            1891 – 2 April – Joseph William born to William J. and Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan)
Rowe in Portland, ME.
            1892 – 25 January – Teresa Tamborrel Amador born to Carlos Tamborrel and Ignacia
                        Amador, better known as La Mama Nacha. Carlos and Ignacia had only one
                        daughter, Teresa. A second daughter, Ana, whom everybody called Anita, was
                        only Carlos's daughter. Anita's daughter was not called Abby but Irene. First
                        cousin once removed Marta Innocenti met her as a child, and remembers “her
                        wedding with an American whom all of us liked enormously but whose name
                        now escapes me.” Marta later identified him as Charles Cortizos, and they had a
                        daughter Abby.
1900 - US Census – see data for William J. and Catherine Ellen (Shanaghan) Rowe above
About 1905 – Uncle Joseph Rowe set up a stand at the Portland Ferry Terminal to sell cigarettes, candy, and newspapers per my brother Dan’s recollection of family stories.
            1910 - US Census – Gave home address as 100 West 110th Street, NYC.
            1913 – 5 July – arrival in Mexico per Consular Registration papers.
August marriage that year based on birth of daughter Teresa birth 18 May 1914 in
            New York (1920 US Census). Nothing found through either or
   database searches as to exact marriage location or date.
1914 – US Consular Registration – Civil Date 22 July 1914. States Joseph W. Rowe left
            US on 18 June 1913, and resided in Mexico City at 5A Flores Street, number
            nine. No children were noted. Arrived Mexico City on 5 July 1913.
            1917 - WWI draft registration– first cousin once removed Scott Rowe found registration,
                        filled out in Mexico City 25 June 1917. At 26 yrs. Joseph W. Rowe was 5' 7 1/2",
                        had brown hair, fair complexion, 175 pounds (other travel records describe him as
                        having a ruddy complexion) and blue eyes. Joseph, a banker, was American Vice
 Consul to Mexico in1917, where he raised a family and is buried.  The WWI
Draft Registration card stated Joseph’s race as Mexican (Latino). It gave his date
 of birth as 2 April 1891. Children’s ages given as 3 and 1.

Separate record – US passport application – signed in Mexico City 15 Sep. States
he lived Mexico City from August 1913 through March 1914. Passport stated his
daughter Teresa born NY City (18 May 1914), daughter Elsa born (9 March 1916)
 Mexico City. States family was enroute by train to Laredo, TX on 20 Sep 1917.
1919 - US passport application – signed 26 March and issued 12 April 1919. States he
                        lived at 45 Waterville Street, Portland, ME. Wife Teresa Tamborrel Rowe
                        lived in Mexico City from 1892 through 1900, 1 July 1913 to March 1914, and
                        Vera Cruz from March 1914 to Sep 1914, then to the present time.

                        Separate record – Border Crossing at Laredo, TX – signed 24 June 1919 for
                        Teresa Rowe.
            1920 - US Census – NY City – stated Teresa Tamborrel Amador’s father was from
                        Texas, her mother from Mexico. Joseph W. Rowe, age 28, Teresa Rowe (wife)
                        age 27, Teresa Rowe age 5, and Elsie Rowe age 3. Home given as 110 Street, NY

Separate record – US passport Application – Issued 13 March 1920. States father,
William Joseph Rowe, was deceased. Lists daughter Teresa as born in NY City.
Transit was by rail in April, and Joseph was a banker, and Vice Consul of US at
Mexico City.
            1926 – Ship passenger arrival record – Arriving from Buenos Aires on ship Vestris.
                        Teresa travelled by herself, age 34. The ship arrived at NY City on 19 May.
            1927 – Ship passenger arrival records – on ship Mexico, from Vera Cruz to NY City,
                        arriving 26 June 1927. Teresa Rowe’s age was 35, Elsa’s age 10, and Teresa’s age
                        11. Home given as 45 Waterville Street, Portland, ME.
            1928 - Ship passenger arrival records – on ship Tachira, from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
                        Joseph’s age was 37; his wife’s age was 36. He worked for Irving Trust Co, of
                        235 Broadway, NY City.
            1930 - US Census – No family found using database search.
                        16 Sep – NYC Passenger Arrival records – Ship Havana from Vera Cruz, Mexico
                        to NYC, arriving Teresa Rowe, at age 16, with sister Elsie, age 14, and mother
                        Teresa at age 36. Record notes Teresa born March 1914 in NY City. Both
                        daughters were registered with American Consul March 1914.
            1931 – “The Horace Mannikin” school yearbook – Teresa Rowe, NY City Fifth Year.

                        Separate record – Passenger Arrival records – Ship SS Caracas, arrived 23 April
 at San Juan, Puerto Rico. Joseph William age 40.

                        Separate record – 18 May – NYC Passenger Arrival records – Ship SS
                        Boringnen, from San Juan, Puerto Rico on 14 May, Teresa Rowe, age 39. Joseph
 age 40, home given as 40 Central Park West, NY City.
            1938 - NYC Passenger Arrival records – Ship SS Roma, left Genoa, Italy on 1 March
                        1938, arriving NYC 10 March 1938. Teresa was traveling by herself, age 46.
                        Home was given as 520 East 86th Street, NY City.

                        Separate NYC Passenger Arrival record – Ship SS Queen Mary, dated 21 March
                        1938, states Teresa Rowe “did not board” ship leaving Cherbourg, France.
            1940 – US Census – 520 82nd Street, NYC – Joe age 49 (born Maine four years of
                        College), Teri age 48 (born Mexico City 3 years of High School), and Teri age 25
                        (born NY two years of college). He a banker for Trust Co. making $5000.00 per
                        year, works 50 hours per week. Teri dau single. Value of home $190.00. Census
                        dated 4 April 1940. Both Teresa’s noted as “never worked.” Lived in same
                        residence since 1935 – 86th Street, NY City. Also Juliana Ramirez, Mexican
                        housemaid, age 45. 
            1942 – WWII Draft Registration card – Joseph Rowe worked at Irving Trust Co., 1 Wall
                        Street, NY City. Their residence was Decker Street, East Norwalk, CT.
            1946 – Border Crossing report – 29 March, from Mexico City, at Brownsville, TX.
                        Teresa Rowe by herself, age 54.

                        Separate record – 25 July - NYC Air Passenger Arrival records - on American
                        Overseas Airlines, Joseph Rowe age 54, Teresa Rowe age 53, she a housewife, he
                        a banker. Their residence was given as 101 West 55th Street, NY City.
            1951 - NYC Passenger Arrival records, on ship MS Stockholm, arrived 5 July 1951,
                        having left Copenhagen, Denmark 28 June.
            1953 - NYC Passenger Arrival records, on ship SS Constitution, from Genoa, Italy. His
                        passport number was 410140 and hers 418242. First Class passengers.
            1954 - NYC Air Passenger Arrival records – Air France flight from Mexico City to NY
                        City, arriving 4 May. Joseph William of Maine, Teresa noted as 418242 (passport
Joseph Shannon Rowe  Date of Birth: September 30, 1924  Date of Death: October 15, 1924
Status: Pneumonia  Buried: Plot 6 Row 1, Wall: E, Crypt: 8, Mexico City, Mexico.
Son of Ex-Vice Consul Joseph W. Rowe ** Link to cemetery follows -
Teresa Tamborrel Amador, b 25 Jan 1892 in Mexico City, Mexico. Teresa died about 1970 in Mexico City, Mexico. Teresa Tamborrel Amador married Joseph William Rowe about 1913. He died abt 1956 in Mexico City, Mexico. Their children were:

            1. Teresa Rowe, b 18 May 1914 in New York (1920 US Census). She married Nils Erik
                        Bengtsson of Stockholm, Sweden.
            2. Elsa Rowe, b 9 March 1916 in Mexico (1920 US Census). She married Bruno
                        Innocenti in Florence, Italy.
            3.  Joseph Shannon Rowe, b 30 Sep 1924 in Mexico City. He died 15 Oct 1924 in
                        Mexico City and is buried there.

Teresa Tamborrel Amador had a sister, Ana “Anita” Tamborrel. Anita married Charles
            Cortizos, an American, and they had a daughter Abby.

The family data on Teresa Tamborrel Rowe was provided by cousins Scott Rowe and Marta Innocenti. Tamborrel, Carlos Sequierros born in San Luis Portola. He was a lawyer, mathematician who taught at the Military College in Chapultepec, and owner of a book store. Carlos had a sister Maria Luisa. He married Ignacia Amador Gutierrez. She had a brother Alberto Amador Gutierrez. the web address of a Mexican cousin with ties to my Aunt Teresa Tamborrel Rowe.

Uncle John Henry and Aunt Ella (Grace) Rowe -
            1883 - 9 July – John Henry Rowe born to Wm J. and Kate Rowe per City records.
            1900 – US Census – living with parents, William J. and Catherine E. Rowe. Wm J. born
                        “at sea”; Catherine born East Canada. Siblings at home: William T. age 19;
                        Edwin J – age 13; Francis S. age 11; Joseph W. age 9; Daniel M. age 6; Alice J.
                        age 4; and Thomas L. age 7 months.
Portland City directory – Henry J. (actually John Henry) – clerk at 94 Commercial,
boards 45 Waterville Street
            1907 – 16 Oct 1907, marriage to Ella Jeanette Grace, age 19. Her parents: Frank W. and
                        Margaret Grace. John Henry age 24, was a milk dealer. She was a clerk.
1910 - US Census – Rowe family, headed by Catherine Ellen Rowe (now a widow),
            resided at 45 Waterville Street, Portland, ME. Living with Catherine, age 52, were
 John Henry age 26, his wife Ella J. (Grace), age 21, and their son William J., age
5 months. Also at same home were Edwin L., age 23, Francis S. age 21; Joseph
W. age 19; Daniel M. age 16; Alice J. age 14; and Thomas L. age 10.
            1918 - WWI draft registration – Signed 12 Sep 1918. He was a milk agent for the Grand
 Trunk RR and lived at Bryant Pond in Oxford County (near Rumford). He was of           medium build, medium build, gray eyes, and dark brown hair. Date of birth given
 as 29 July 1883.
            1920 - US Census – John Henry, age 36; wife Ella age 31; son William J. age 10; dau
                        Margaret age 8; dau Teresa age 6; and John Henry Jr. age 3 years, 4 months.
                        Father a conductor on RR; records states his father born “at sea.” His mother born
                        Canada. Family in Portland, ME at Park Avenue.
My Mother told me that Uncle William T. “Bill” Rowe bought a vehicle for his brother John Henry to help that family move across country to CA.
                        City Directory – Los Angeles, CA – John H. Rowe listed as a warehouseman,
                        resided at 647 N Boyle Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.
            1930 - US Census – Family in CA and was living in Redondo Beach, LA County, at 231
                        Pacific Avenue. His father’s birthplace given as England, his mothers as Canada.
                        He worked as a watchman at a lumber yard. Fathers age 46; Ella’s as age 41. Son
                        Wm J. age 20; Margaret J. age 18 and working as a school secretary; Teresa age
                        16; and John Henry Jr. age 13.
            1925 - City Directory, Redondo Beach, CA – living at 1046 2nd Street. Shows John H
 (Ella) watchman Redondo, h 1046 2nd.
            1927 - City Directory, Redondo Beach, CA – living at 409 N. Helberta Avenue. Shows
                        John H (Ella J) watchman, h 409 N Helberta Ave.
            1931 - City Directory, Redondo Beach, CA – John H (Ella J) watchman, h 1000b N
                        Pacific Avenue.
                        Separate entry for dau Margt J, stenographer, h 1000b N Pacific Avenue.
                        Separate entry for son Wm J, chauffeur, h 1000b N Pacific Avenue.
            1936 - City Directory, Redondo Beach, CA – entry for parents only John H (Ella J)
 John Henry was a laborer, h 514 N Helberta Avenue.
            1940 - US Census – Family had moved to Ingleside, LA County and lived at 842 North
                        Lucia Street (for past five years). John Henry was age 56 and a city custodian;
                        Ella was age 51. William J. was age 30 and a galvanizer at a dairy company; John
                        Henry Jr. was age 23 and a stock clerk at a steel works. Margaret and Teresa no
                        longer lived with the family.
            1942 – WWII Draft Registration for John Henry Rowe, date of birth 29 July 1883,
                        address given as 404 N Gertrude, Redondo Beach, CA. Shows wife as Ella J.
 Rowe of same address. No date noted.
            1956 – California Death Index – 12 April, John Henry Rowe, date of birth 29 July 1883.

                        Mothers’ maiden name given as Shannon, fathers as Rowe. 

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